How to Make Sure That You Can Move House in One Go

If you have recently accepted a job in a far-off state, then you have to make plans to move you and your household over a long distance. However, you may have been living in your current home for many years and, consequently, may have accumulated a very large number of possessions. If you believe in taking control of every situation yourself, you may have decided that you are going to pack and move everything and will be looking to get hold of the most appropriate transport to help you do so. How should you approach this given the scale of the operation?

All in One Go

In an ideal world, you will want to complete this move in one go without having to come back and fill your truck with another load. It's going to be quite a time-consuming operation as it is, so you'll have to make sure that you can hire a vehicle that has enough room.

Moving Truck

There are a number of organisations in your area that can hire you a large truck which you can drive on your ordinary licence but you may be worried that even this size of truck is not going to be sufficient. After all, you have used one of those software programs to calculate the size of your household down to the cubic metre and it looks as if you might run out of space.

Supplementary Trailer

In this case, make sure that you hire a truck with a suitable towbar and then find a large box trailer as well. This will provide you with a great deal of additional space and you will be able to tow this behind the primary vehicle to your destination.

These box trucks are equipped with special eyes and other fastenings so that you can tie down all your furniture and fixtures safely. This will allow you to complete your journey without needing to worry whether all of your possessions will still be intact.

Calculating Weight

Before you proceed, remember to calculate the gross vehicle weight of both the loaded van and any trailers you plan to use to make sure that you are compliant. Each vehicle is allocated a certain maximum weight, and this is meant to ensure that Australian roads remain as safe as possible.

If you're not sure how to do this, ask your trailer supplier for their advice when you first get in touch and they will help you to work it all out.

About Me

What To Do When Something Goes Wrong

One of the many joys of owning a 4x4 is that they are generally sturdy, hardy cars, and you're not that likely to run into a serious problem while you're driving one. One of the very few drawbacks of owning a 4x4 is that when you do, it can be trickier to get it sorted than for other cars--some models need specialist services or non-standard towing equipment, and not everyone is set up to help you out! Following a breakdown, I've decided to set up this blog to help other 4x4 enthusiasts prepare for such an eventuality. I'll be covering companies set up to tow 4x4s, equipment you should keep on you at all times and even a few ways to avoid common 4x4 issues.

