3 Critical Servicing and Maintenance Tips to Prolong Your Horse Float's Service Life

Horse floats are popularly known for hauling heavy cargo. Because of this, they suffer extreme mechanical strain. With such extreme strain, components begin to degrade and wear down with regular use. For this reason, horse float servicing and maintenance is paramount. Overlooking this essential task could mean frequent breakdowns and eventual system failure. You might be forced to spend more money on replacements and repairs. 

Horse float servicing is, therefore, crucial to avert costly problems. Consider these three vital maintenance tips to prolong the service life of your horse float.

Consider Regular Cleaning 

Horse floats will accumulate dirt and grime over time. Failure to clean them can result in equipment breakdowns and subsequent failure. Thus, it's imperative to perform a thorough cleaning of your horse float after each use. Begin by washing the interior space to get rid of dirt, debris and animal waste that might contribute to corrosion of the metallic surfaces and other critical components. Remember, waste build-up might contribute to unhygienic conditions that are unsafe. 

If you're dealing with tight schedules, perform a quick sweep to eliminate the shavings on the flooring. However, if you have more time, use water, a light detergent and a scrubbing brush to give your horse float a thorough clean. This process helps eliminate the stubborn stains and grime stuck on your horse float. Don't forget to clean and wax the exterior surfaces of the float regularly to guarantee protection.  

Conduct Thorough Inspections

Another essential maintenance practice for your horse float is conducting thorough inspections. Inspections help you identify the faulty parts on your horse float and fix them before the equipment breaks down. Failure to analyse the essential components on your trailer could mean failing to identify concealed problems that expose the equipment to mechanical failures. 

Thus, inspect your horse float thoroughly before any haulage or towing trip. Check for any damaged parts or worn-out components, including brakes, doors and wheels. Furthermore, cite critical performance or functional decline on your trailer because they are common indicators of an imminent breakdown. Performing a test run on your horse float before your next towing trip is prudent. 

Replace Defective or Old Wheels

Horse floats or trailers rely on wheels for support and mobility. Sadly, they are the most neglected parts of the trailer compared to other components. Faulty wheels and tyres can affect the stability of your horse float and result in potential accidents. 

Therefore, check the tyres to determine whether they have proper traction and treads. Furthermore, check the tyre pressure to ensure they can handle the load effectively. Finally, work with a local technician with experience in horse float servicing

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What To Do When Something Goes Wrong

One of the many joys of owning a 4x4 is that they are generally sturdy, hardy cars, and you're not that likely to run into a serious problem while you're driving one. One of the very few drawbacks of owning a 4x4 is that when you do, it can be trickier to get it sorted than for other cars--some models need specialist services or non-standard towing equipment, and not everyone is set up to help you out! Following a breakdown, I've decided to set up this blog to help other 4x4 enthusiasts prepare for such an eventuality. I'll be covering companies set up to tow 4x4s, equipment you should keep on you at all times and even a few ways to avoid common 4x4 issues.

